The morning began with a bit of rain. There was a fog lifting off the reservoir as we approached, it was beautiful! We pooches all love mud so the troops didn't really notice or complain about the rain.
By mid morning the Sheepfold was packed with lots of our familiar weekend friends because so many humans only had to work a half day because they were preparing for the annual American ritual of giving thanks to Dog Almighty.
At one point during the day, Margaret was throwing a ball to a bunch of us who were out in the field running and competing to make the catch. The star of the day is Annie, who jumped over a weekenders dog and snatched the ball in an amazing interception! We as dogs could not believe Annie could be so competitive and athletic.
By 2pm Margaret called us to the car to take us home, we were wet and thirsty. We were all ready for a dry off, a warm up and a nice nap.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you!
Yours, Riley the dog
Tune in later in the week to see what kind of hijinks the doggerels get into.
Our website is at where you will find more info on our rates and some of our outward bound activities.
Margaret Daley Mobile 617 797 3335