A very hazy day out there. Lucy, Fenway, Kuusama and I all headed down to the water after saying good-bye to Stella and Rufus. Kuus absolutely loves the water and spent most of the morning swimming in circles. Lucy found some sort of water rodent that barked at her for a few minutes before disappearing into the lake. I think everybody had the most fun, though, when another group of four or five dogs ran out to meet them. Everybody played nice with each other and swam for a good half-hour. Fun times!

Basically, today consisted of Rufus chasing Stella and Lucy chasing Rufus - the entire time. The three of them would WHIZ by in one direction, disappear off into the distance, and then about fifteen seconds later whiz by in the other direction. It was very entertaining for me, and undoubtedly exhausting for them. I got a good video of it (although it's tough to catch them when they're on the move!). Wonderful weather again today!
Another beautiful day! There were a good number of us today - me, Lucy, Otis, Max, Fenway, and Obi - and we all had a great time down by the water! It was pretty hot, so everybody went swimming. Otis might actually pose a challenge to Isabelle as the best swimmer among us. I'm pretty sure he'd be thrilled to swim in circles all day. Lucy and Max chased each other around all day, and Obi and Fenway, both being miniature-sized dogs, quickly became friends :)

Wet weekend
A VERY rainy end of last week has turned into a beautiful day today! We went out for a little bit on Thursday, but when it started thundering, we all decided it was probably safer to play inside. Which made everyone sad.

But a few chew toys thrown around the living room solved that :)
But like I said, today's a gorgeous day. Max, Lucy, and Lady all had fun swimming and fetching and doing their thing. Let's hope it stays nice!
But a few chew toys thrown around the living room solved that :)
But like I said, today's a gorgeous day. Max, Lucy, and Lady all had fun swimming and fetching and doing their thing. Let's hope it stays nice!
Avoiding the rain
Phew! We made it into the house with about two minutes to spare before it started pouring. Not that Lady and Lucy would've minded, since they spent most of their time swimming anyway, but still. Just the three of us today - quite a change from the big crowds we've had lately! Hopefully we'll have some more to play with tomorrow :)

Joey and Pompei come to play
Today our favorite four-legged friends (Lucy, Fenway, and Pinky/Pompei) were joined by our favorite three-and-a-half-legged friend, Joey! Trying to avoid the rain the forecasters were predicting, we headed down to the lake early. Joey and Lucy wrestled all day, and even with his slight handicap, Joey was a good match for her. Pompei even started to come out of her shell a little bit, getting very excited (strangely) over a rock, which I got a little video of. Unfortunately, the camera, in its infinite wisdom, apparently decided to delete it...
Making friends
Today, Lucy, Lady, Lily, Dover and I were all hanging out down by the water's edge when two kids and their dad came down to swim. The swimming was delayed when the boys instantly became best friends with all of the dogs. They were impressed with each in turn: Lucy's tug of war skills, Lady's swimming, Lily's jumping, and Dover's digging. Hopefully we'll see them again soon!

The dog days of summer
Another exciting day down by the water. We played fetch for a long time - I got a good picture of Lily returning triumphantly with the stick while Ruby and Lucy plot to steal it away. Ruby also engaged in a war with a mound of ants for a little while, alternatively batting at them with her paw and running away barking. And now, they're all dead asleep at my feet :)

Gorgeous day
It's supposed to get pretty hot and humid over the next couple of days, so I really appreciate the beautiful day we had. I took Lady, Lucy, Lily, Theodore, and Isabelle down to the water again and everyone went swimming. Of course, they all love to jump in the mud right before we leave, so I'll have to give them a quick bath again, but that's okay. They just love to get dirty!

Plus one
I stand corrected! TODAY, we had a crowd, with a trip of six! I have even more staying here, but I had Doug take some out while i went with Fenway the Pug, Fenway the Yorkie, Theodore, Lucy, Isabelle, and Ruby. We were quite a sight :) I got stopped by three or four people who all asked incredulously if all the dogs were mine. But everyone got along quite well. There was, of course, a lot of wrestling, especially between Theodore and Isabelle, and now everyone is exhausted and napping. Unfortunately, in my excitement to take all these guys out on such a beautiful day, I forgot the camera. But we'll have more pictures tomorrow, I promise!
Party of Five
Big crowd today! Fenway the Pug (as opposed to Fenway the Yorkie), Lady, Lucy, Theodore, and Lily were all here and all ready to play. They did lots of swimming, as usual, and Fenway and Lucy really had a fun time playing together. They were exhausted by about one, and subsequently napped for a half hour at my feet.

And Theodore!
A day after getting Ruby to play with, today we got Theodore! Shy, however, would not be an adjective I would EVER use to describe him. He and Lucy spent most of the day chasing each other around and wrestling in the water. Fenway joined in occassionally, but his small size left him with a distinct disadvantage in the matches, so he preferred to sniff around on his own. It sure is a beautiful day outside!
Well, it looks like our wishes were heard. Today, we got to play with Rhubard, AKA Ruby. It was another hot day, but tomorrow is thankfully supposed to be a little cooler. We wandered down to a nice lake where the dogs spent the morning relaxing and swimming with their new friend. Ruby was a little shy at first, but quickly warmed up to Lucy and Lady. And now they've got a new playmate!
Another warm day
When it's as hot as it's been for the last couple days, nobody really likes to move all that much, dogs included. We went somewhere nice and shady with lots of water again. Lucy and Fenway had a solid routine of nap, swim, chase each other, and repeat, down pat. It was just those two today - I guess everybody else is on vacation, but those two sure wouldn't mind having some more friends to play with!

Hot and humid
Pretty sticky out today, so we headed out to some shady trails. We played with a bunch of other dogs, but I'm pretty sure everyone was having the most fun in the water. A lot cooler playing there! See for yourself :)
Almost got caught in a bad thunderstorm today, but thankfully made it back to the house before the hail and the lightning started. Poor Max was terrified, and everybody else was scared too. I did get good videos of Bella doing her best giraffe impression and of Lady and Isabelle swimming way out for a stick. Those two will swim anywhere :)
Stars of the show
Our very first video! It was a hot day today, and as you can see, even Fenway decided he needed to take a swim to cool off. The batteries died before I was able to film anybody else, but I still managed to get some good pictures of everyone else.
If you listen carefully, you'll hear what I THINK is a bluejay. You won't see those in an indoor facility!
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